Kamis, 08 September 2011

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To : Artrology Land - A. L.

Suspected as my Personal Guilty and SPIRITS after in-Depth level Thought.

Here I say very sorry about the death of Hundreds of Artrology Land
I have issued a very bad suspection about the death of hundreds of Artrology Land - A.L. After in-depth thinking of the possiblity, I got a conclusion from the most possiblities of my summary, the most suspected reasonable cause were happended by my-SPIRITS, They have had chaos situation and unholdable standing as micro spirits, they are panic after facing their first experiences and already causing death of hundreds.
By thinking of that reason, here I beg an appology and forgiveness for my-SPIRITS that already causing hundreds death to their Families, and hopely these incidents and cases would no longer happend in the Future ERA, and could be solved sooner within single Decade.
Adopted Mottos (Artrology Land - A.L.) :
  • By Delivering Kindness and Doing Kind Treatment to Others, We are already Help Our Own Self (in current time or in the future, but such kindness should be Good Kind and NOT Bad Kind).
  • The Same Actions come from Different Individuals has a different individual values, even though such actions created the same results, 'CAUSE their Mind Intend are different, at least there are slightly differences if not much.
  • By Doing Consideration towards Other Parties could reduce unwanted impacts and could avoid flickering, such actions could reflecting value of Welcoming rather than Against.
  • By gathering nice co-operation could delivery stronger nice results to our own and other parties and stronger too in reducing bad impacts, rather than running Self Individuals.
  • The real values of Pride are come from other parties
  • es, It is the value for Individuals and Actions.
  • Using Force as dail
  • and not by our own, and has the similar Values line with Appriciaty default could causing damage. Instead, Using Compromise as default could creates daily peace.
Reported and Signed by : R.N.L - Remembering Nails Armstrong, (May GOD and Buddhas blessing the deads).

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